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"Competitor Analysis Can Give Your Association the Edge" by William M. Drohan and Kit O’Connor. Association Management, January 1998, p. 103.
–Discusses the basic steps of competitive research and analysis as a strategic planning tool. Learn how to identify competitors and why prospective members choose one association over another.

"Leverage the Web’s Research Capabilities" by J.D. Mosley-Matchett. Marketing News, April 13, 1998, p. 6.
–Shows how online marketers benefit from Web research, discusses various online survey options and provides a list of Internet research resources.

"Satisfaction Measurement Is More Than Doing Surveys" by Larry G. Gulledge. Marketing News, October 21, 1996, p. 8.
–Discusses the importance of customer research and lays out a seven-step model that guides businesses through customer satisfaction measurement.


Daniells, Lorna M., Business Information Centers. University of California Press, 1993.
–Gives detailed annotations and lists of trade journals and statistical sources for specific industries. Covers competitive intelligence, economic and financial measures, and health care marketing.

Dutka, Alan, AMA Handbook for Customer Satisfaction: A Complete Guide to Research, Planning and Implementation. NTC Business Books, 1995.
–Provides examples of businesses that have successfully researched customer satisfaction, designed questionnaires and conducted surveys.

Edmunds, Holly, AMA Complete Guide to Marketing Research for Small Businesses. NTC Business Books, 1996.
–Presents guidelines for effective mail surveys, focus groups and actuality controls. Provides tips on basic questionnaire design.

Hester, Edward, Successful Market Research: The Complete Guide to Getting and Using Essential Information about Your Customers and Competitors. John Wiley & Sons, 1995.
–Teaches how to conduct inexpensive research, write creative research plans and effectively utilize the results obtained.

Lavin, Michael R., Business Information: How to Find It, How to Use It. Onyx Press, 1992.
–Provides business reference sources and instructions for using them, enabling entrepreneurs to optimize the business information obtained.

Pack, Thomas, 10 Minute Guide to Research on the Net. Que Corporation, 1997.
–Contains mini-tutorials on how to find and access market information available on the Internet.


National Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Research Network.
–Collects research for more than 900 SBDCs throughout the United States and offers comprehensive information for entrepreneurs including books, CD-ROMs and online databases.