Public Relations
"New Factors in Crisis Planning and Response" by John Birch. Public
Relations Quarterly, Spring 1994, p. 31.
Discusses crisis management techniques and how to prevent misinformation
from leaking to the media.
"Straightening Up Your Image: How Marketers Help Companies with Disaster
Recovery" by Devlon Alexander. Potentials in Marketing, April 1997, p.
Lists specific suggestions on using marketing to improve a companys
image after media coverage has resulted in a damaged reputation.
"Virgil Scudder Tackles Crisis Tactics" by Stephanie Smith and Kim Hunter.
Communication World, February 1997, p. 7.
Communications consultant gives advice on handling the media during
a crisis.
Doty, Dorothy, Publicity and Public Relations. Barrons,
Suggests ways to deal with the press during a crisis and use publicity
to improve a companys image.
Public Relations Society of America. 33 Irving Place, 3rd Floor,
New York, NY 10003. (800) 937-7772.
This organization conducts professional public relations development