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Healthy Entrepreneur


"Designing Benefits That Are Good for Employees and for Business" by James Kreig and Robert Hergenrader. Health Care Strategic Management, October 1997, p. 21.
—Presents decisions made by employers about self-funding a health plan or signing up with an HMO for their employees.

"How Healthy Is Your HMO?" by Cathy Lazere. CFO: The Magazine for Chief Financial Officers, November 1996, p. 67.

"The Ins and Outs of Health Insurance" by Mike Drozen. Broker World, February 1996, p. 74.
—Explains different policies, HMO and PPO plans, and the variations of each.

"The Other Side of Group Purchasing: The Employer’s Perspective" by John Kajander and Marc Samuels. Health Systems Review, Spring 1996, p. 14.
—Discusses employer options in health care investment with four group purchasing models presented.


Barge, Bruce and Carlson, John., The Executives Guide to Controlling Health Care and Disability Costs: Strategy Based Solutions. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1993.
—Presents ideas on why businesses should consider an integrated approach toward disability and health care management.

Field, Marilyn and Shapiro, Harold, Employment and Health Benefits. National Academy Press, 1993.
—Describes the positive and negative aspects of employment-based health benefits.

Minirth, Frank and Meier, Paul, Beating Burnout, Balanced Living for Busy People. Budget Book Service, 1997.
—Describes solutions to stress and burnout.

Reinhold, Barbara B., Toxic Work. Plume, 1997.
—Presents ideas and solutions to create a healthier and more productive workplace.


Affordable Health and Fitness Association
—Dedicated to informing people about the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

Health Promotion Services
—Offers a variety of products and information to keep employees healthy and happy.