Home-Based Business
"Balancing Your Home Business" by Susan Biddle Jaffe. Nations
Business, April 1997, p. 56.
Presents solutions for home-based business owners who have difficulties
balancing work and family.
"Building a Successful Home-Based Business" by Wendy M. Breech. Black
Enterprise, September 1997, p. 92.
Describes the benefits and most popular types of home-based businesses.
"Heading Home" by Michael Goldstein. Successful Meetings, August
1995, p. 34.
Provides advice on how to set up a home office, including selection
of furniture and equipment.
"Smart Ways to Make $100,000 at Home" by Lesley Alderman and Karen Cheney.
May 1997, p. 142.
Experts present six essential lessons on how to create a successful
home business.
Anderson, Sandy, The Work-At-Home Balancing Act. Avon Books, 1998.
This resource guide provides advice on how entrepreneurs can balance
themselves, family and professional concerns while working at home.
Brabec, Barbara, Homemade Money, 5th edition. Betterway Books,
1998. (800) 289-0963.
Describes how to select, start, manage, market and multiply the
profits of a home-based business. Also includes a directory of 300 publications,
resources and organizations.
Huff, Patricia, 101 Best Home-Based Businesses for Women, 2nd
edition. Prima Publishing, 1998.
Provides a wide array of business ideas in categories ranging from
crafts to computer consulting, personal fitness training and reunion planning.
Also advises on the initial process of starting a business.
Kanarek, Lisa, 101 Home Office Secrets. Career Press, 1994.
Offers business strategies based on information from actual home-office
Sheedy, Edna, Start and Run a Profitable Home-Based Business.
Self Counsel Press, Inc., 1998.
A step-by-step guide for making the first year of working at home
a success.
Weltman, Barbara, The Complete Idiots Guide to Starting a Home-Based
Business. MacMillian Publishing Company, Inc., 1997.
Presents information on starting and running a home-based business,
including laws, tax rules and marketing.
Americas Home Business Group
A resource center designed to answer the questions of home-based
business owners.
Home Office Computing Magazine OnLine
The site for Home Office Computing magazine with links and articles.
Start a Home Biz
Presents information on a variety of topics related to operating
a home business.
Your Home Biz.com
Offers information, an online newsletter and recommended reading
to help people start and grow their home business.
American Association of Home-Based Businesses
P.O. Box 10023,
Rockville, MD 20849. (800) 447-4971.
This nonprofit organization focuses on the success and support of
home-based businesses.