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Family Businesses


"Case Study: Undoing a Bad Decision" by Fredda H. Brown and Norman Leibovitz. Nation’s Business, October 1997, p. 73.
—Describes a serious legal conflict related to death and ownership in a family business and gives expert advice on how to resolve this situation.

"Handling the Non-Tax Issues in Business Succession Planning" by Jon J. Gallo and David A Hjorth. Estate Planning, January 1998, p. 22.
—Discusses the strengths of the family-owned business and lists 10 rules to help ensure successful succession.


Allred, Russel S. and Allred, Roger C., The Family Business: Power Tools for Survival, Success and Succession. Berkeley Publishing, 1997.
—Offers customized action plans for small businesses that need to address privacy concerns, setting priorities and emotional dynamics.

Friedman, Michael and Friedman, Scott, How to Run a Family Business: How to Own, Operate and Ensure the Continuation of Your Family Business. Betterway Publications, 1994.
—Gives practical advice on the legal aspects of owning a family business and passing it on.

Lea, James, Keeping It in the Family: Successful Succession to the Family Business. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1991.
—Guides readers through the succession process of a family-owned business with emphasis on ownership and management.

Lyon, Amy, The Couple’s Business Guide: How to Start and Grow a Small Business Together. Berkeley Publishing Company, 1997.
—Shares experiences and profiles of couple-owned businesses addressing topics such as networking, image, financing, stress relief and hiring practices.


Arthur Andersen Center for Family Business. (800) 924-2770.
—Offers a 21Ú2 day workshop entitled "Managing Succession without Conflict" that addresses business, tax, psychological and emotional issues.

Family Firm Institute.
—Provides a vast network of educational resources to assist family business owners and employees successfully navigate the changing terrain of family-owned businesses.

Netmarquee Family Business Netcenter.
—Educates and communicates with executives of family-owned businesses with articles, research papers, business publications and university offerings.


Family Business Magazine. Family Business Publishing Company. (800) 637-4464.
—Analyzes the issues that affect family-owned businesses the most: succession planning, wealth preservation, estate and tax planning, and human dynamics.


The following centers provide workshops, checklists, videos and workbooks to help run family-owned businesses.

Austin Family Business Program. Oregon State University, 201 Bexell Hall, College of Business, Corvallis, OR 97331-2603. (800) 859-7609.

Family Business Center. Division of Continuing Education, 608 Goodell Building, University of Massachusetts, Box 33260, Amherst, MA 01003-3260. (413) 545-1537.

University of San Diego Family Business Institute. 5998 Alcala Park, San Diego, CA 92110. (619) 260-4231.