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Best Management Practices


Telephone Interviewing. John E. Reid & Associates. (800) 255-5747. Fax: (312) 876-1600.
–Offers general guidelines for phone interviews and quality evaluations. Includes a 64-page study guide.


"10 Common Hiring Mistakes" by Christina Greathouse. Industry Week, January 1992, p. 22.
–Identifies mistakes frequently made during the hiring of managers.

"17 Steps for Better Hiring" by Ed Morrow. Insurance Sales, July/August 1997, p. 2.
–Suggests a 17-step plan to increase the odds of hiring the right candidate.

"Five Common Hiring Mistakes" by Gary Bielous. Supervision, October 1993, p. 9.
–Details common mistakes in hiring and gives advice on hiring strategies.

"Hiring the Best" by Carol Lyles. Business & Economic Review, October/December 1997, p. 19.
–Discusses the benefits of behavioral-based interviews and describes valuable characteristics to look for in new hires.

"How to Better Your Chances of Hiring the Best People" by Lynn Godkin and Charles Foster. Journal of Retail Banking Services, Summer 1997, p. 49.
–Describes a 6-step interviewing technique that ensures test validity and fairness for minorities and women.

"The Selection Process: Recruiting for Success" by Howard Cowan. Managers Magazine, December 1993, p.10.
–Presents a process using objective and subjective tools to help recruiters select the best candidate for a given position.


Adams, Bob, and Verubi, Peter, Streetwise Hiring Top Performers. Adams Media Corporation, 1996.
–Gives 600 ready-to-ask interview questions with sample answers, explanations and interpretations in order to effectively screen for motivation, management style and special circumstances.

Horowitz, Alan, The Unofficial Guide to Hiring and Firing People. MacMillan Lifestyle Guides, 1999.
–Gives managers and small business owners the hands-on tools to make vital personnel decisions and actions as effective and painless as possible.

Smart, Bradford, The Smart Interviewer. John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1989.
–Management psychologist shares tips for interviewing candidates successfully. Topics include reference calls, response interpretation, interview preparation and hiring legalities.

Sullivan, William, Human Resources for Small Businesses. John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1997.
–Provides advice on hiring, worker compensation, employee training, workplace policies, performance evaluation and legal issues.

Wendover, Robert, Smart Hiring. Sourcebooks Inc., 1998.
–Offers tips on avoiding hiring mistakes, evaluating applicant skills, checking references, conducting interviews and drafting job descriptions. Includes 500 sample interview questions.

Yate, Martin, Hiring the Best, a Manager’s Guide to Effective Interviewing. Adam Media Corp., 1994.
–Discusses characteristics to look for in candidates and ways to uncover them in an interview. Includes 400 sample interview questions.


America’s Job Bank.
–Provides access to resumes of job seekers nationwide. Includes a search engine.

Hiring Strategies for the HR Professional.
–Offers information and advice on finding and hiring qualified candidates. Divided according to Hiring Process, Recruiting, Interview, Statistics and Applicant Tracking.

Hiring the Best.
–This online guide offers interview questions for assessing a candidate’s motivation, initiative, planning and social skills.

Top 7 Business.
–Provides seven tips for hiring the best candidates.

Hiring the Best. Video Training Inc. (800) 600-1555.
–Gives tips on the three steps of interviewing: preparing, conducting and evaluating.

Hiring the Best: Verifying an Employment Application. John E. Reid & Associates. (800) 255-5747. Fax: (312) 876-1600.
–Supplements an 87-page guide by outlining steps in the verification of employment applications.

Interviewing for Integrity. John E. Reid & Associates. (800) 255-5747. Fax: (312) 876-1600.
–This series of four videotapes presents methods for conducting pre-employment interviews. Includes a 100-page facilitator’s guide.