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Welfare to Work


"Competition Is Fierce for Welfare-to-Work Jobs Even in the Booming Midwest" by Albert R. Karr. The Wall Street Journal, July 29, 1997, p. A1.
—A study by Northern Illinois University’s Office for Social Policy Research suggests that for every job available, there are at least four applicants.

"The Difference Twelve Months Makes; Welfare Reform." The Economist, August 23, 1997, p. 18
—Article suggests that a year after welfare reform was enacted, there seems to be a drop in the effectiveness of the program. Many states are requiring a certain amount of weekly training and, as a result, the pool of workers is shrinking.

"From Welfare to Work" by Frank Jossi. Training, April 1997, p. 44.
—The number of companies across the country (including Marriott International Inc.) sponsoring training programs to move welfare recipients into the workforce is growing.

"Minnesota Welfare-to-Work Program Works, Study Suggests" by Maria Douglas Reeve. Knight-Ridder/Tribune Business News, August 28, 1997, p. 8.
—Minnesota is currently the national leader in welfare reform, according to a study conducted by the Minnesota Family Investment Programs that shows many families have seen a 16 percent decrease in poverty.

"Success Drives UPS Welfare-to-Work Effort" by Cynthia Mitchell. Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News, April 28, 1997, p. 4.
—UPS is a leader in the welfare-to-work initiative, has experienced a great deal of success hiring for its large part-time labor pool, and is exploring ways to funnel the money it receives back into the community.

"Transitional Training Is Key to Making Smooth Path from Welfare to Work." Nation’s Restaurant News, October 13, 1997, p. 27.
—Restaurant owners are underutilizing the large pool of employees resulting from welfare reform legislation. Although the restaurant industry is in dire need of employees, many owners find the task of training these new workers daunting.

"Welfare Worry." Industry Week, August 18, 1997, p. 158.
—Legal provisions require that minimum wage and other labor laws apply to people working under the state welfare-to-work programs.


California Trade and Commerce Agency. http://commerce.ca.gov/.
—Contains information on the Welfare to Work Job Action Team convened by Governor Pete Wilson to ensure job opportunities for welfare recipients in the reformed system. Check your state’s trade and commerce agency site for information regarding local initiatives.

Welfare to Work Partnership. http://www.welfaretowork.org/.
—A nationwide organization created to help businesses in the hiring of employees on public assistance. Seventy percent of the member companies are small to medium-sized firms. Learn about various tax initiatives that could help your business while it gains valuable technical assistance and support.