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"Mrs. Drucker Starts a Business" by Doris Drucker. Inc., October 1997, p. 64.
—The wife of history’s greatest management writer discusses what it is like to start your first business at the age of 80.

"No Experience Required" by Alessandra Bianchi. Inc., September 1997, p. 66.
—Describes one woman’s attempt to launch a business selling the Indian drink "chai" with the help of an expert consulting team.

"Start-Up Mambos to Beat of Booming Market" by Marc Ballon. Inc., September 1997, p. 23.
—Explains how an entrepreneur has successfully launched her own magazine addressing the needs of fellow Latino business women.

"Power of Poverty" by Robert. A. Manis. Inc., August 1997, p. 30.
—Contains profiles of 10 successful companies that started with less than $10,000.


The Keys to Entrepreneurial Success. (800) 445-8507.
—This three-tape, 12-chapter series covers a range of topics applicable to entrepreneurs who are just starting out-from founding a company to positioning it for growth.


1998 Career Resource Directory. MGC Publications. (800) 531-9874.
—Contains information on more than 200 associations and organizations that can provide assistance to those launching new careers and businesses-from catering to interior design and dog grooming. Most listings include e-mail and Web site addresses, annual membership dues and an overview of member benefits.

Adams, Bob, Small Business Start-Up: Your Comprehensive Guide to Starting and Managing a Business. Adams Media Corporation, 1996.
—Covers the unexpected challenges that starting a small business presents such as financing alternatives, inexpensive marketing tricks, and handling media interviews.

Barragan, Napoleon, How To Get Rich With a 1-800 Number. Harper Collins, 1997.
—Describes strategies for communicating with customers, guaranteeing good service from manufacturers and distributors, and effectively promoting a product.

Burstiner, Irving, The Small Business Handbook. Fireside, 1997.
—Covers topics related to starting and running a small business, from finding the right business to planning for growth and expansion.

Cook, James R., The Start Up Entrepreneur. Plume/Penguin, 1997.
—Explains how to start a business and make it succeed, from developing business concepts to becoming the dominant company in an industry.

Daily, Frederick W., Tax Savvy for Small Business. Nolo, 1997.
—Offers year-round tax advice on areas such as deductions, benefits, keeping accurate records and surviving audits.

Dicks, J.W. Esq., How to Incorporate and Start a Small Business in California. Adams Media Corporation, 1997.
—This simple six-step program covers a range of topics including raising capital, the law and lawyers, employment practices, taxes and insurance.

Edwards, Paul, Benzel, Sarah, and Benzel, Rick, Teaming Up. Tarcher/Putnam, 1997.
—Discusses the advantages of developing collaborative business partnerships. Topics range from networking to joint ventures and virtual organizations.

Fishman, Stephen, Wage Slave No More. Nolo, 1997.
—Defines who qualifies as an independent contractor. Covers topics such as getting started, legal advice and making sure you get paid. Includes a PC disc.

Florence, Mari, Enterprising Woman. Warner, 1997.
—Contains stories of women who have successfully become their own bosses and describes the various steps involved.

Elster, Kathie and Crowley, Katherine, Going Indie. Simon and Schuster, 1997.
—Provides self-growth and practical business tips on successful employment for a variety of people–from those just entering the workforce to those who are getting re-skilled for the next century.

Janal, Daniel S., 101 Successful Businesses You Can Start on the Internet. International Thomson Publishing Company, 1997.
—Describes various options in the fast-paced world of Internet commerce.


EntreWorld Magazine. http://www.EntreWorld.org.
—This online resource provides a wealth of business information, including a section for those striking out on their own.

Smallbiz Weekly. http://www.microsoft.com.
—This small business newsletter is published by Microsoft American Success Institute.


The Entrepreneurial Revolution. (800) 528-9612.
—Helps entrepreneurs face the problems and challenges associated with running a business operation.

Starting a Business: Advice from the Experts. American Institute of Small Business. (800) 328-2906.
—Provides helpful hints from Money, Fortune, Kiplinger’s Finance Magazine and Newsweek covering a wide range of topics including tax considerations, site selection, obtaining financing, ensuring success and avoiding pitfalls.