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Sales and Marketing


"Relational Marketing and the Sales Process" by George Smith and Mike Deuerling. Marketing News, January 20, 1997, p. 9.
—Discusses how "relational marketing" or face-to-face marketing can be an effective tool for marketers as well as salespeople. Also advocates using the sales force to collect information from customers in order to improve their satisfaction with products.

"Sales Packs Refocus on Buyers" by Mindy Blodgett. Computerworld, March 17, 1997, p. 2.
—New interactive sales systems (ISS) software takes the focus off the sellers and puts it on the buyers by providing them with pricing information and order-placement capabilities.

"ISM Names Top 10 Steps to Better Sales Automation." PC Week, June 16, 1997, p. 172.
—Describes the 10 best ways of successfully making the transition to sales and marketing automation.

"Tips on Sales Psychology" by Richard Kosmicki. American Salesman, January 1997, p. 29.
—Provides suggestions for effective sales such as being concise, and projecting a positive image of the company on the basis of merit rather than by belittling the competition.

"True Lies" by Joe B. Hill. American Salesman, August 1997, p. 3.
—Emphasizes that any kind of lying should be eliminated from the sales process in order to build trust between salespeople and the organization, and between customers and the sales force.


Successful Selling for Entrepreneurs: Helping Customers Buy. (800) 445-8507.
—This three-cassette, six-chapter series provides practical advice and presents several stories of successful entrepreneurship.


Advertising. SBA Publications. P.O. Box 46521, Denver, CO 80201-46521. (800) 827-5722.
—Learn how to effectively advertise products and services, which is critical to the success of any small business.

Baber, Michael, How Champions Sell. AMACOM, 1997.
—Presents 27 strategies and 1,000 sales ideas with diagnostic exercises to help entrepreneurs select and customize a strategy for their company.

Beckwith, Henry, Selling the Invisible. Time Warner, 1997.
—Presents easy-to-read, practical strategies on coping with the complexity of selling services. Discusses how markets work and how prospective clients think.

Creative Selling: The Competitive Edge. SBA Publications. P.O. Box 46521, Denver, CO 80201-46521. (800) 827-5722.
—Explains creative selling techniques that help increase profits.

Kohn, Lawrence and Joel Salzman, Selling With Honor. Berkeley, 1997.
—Offers advice on how to sell successfully and ethically.

Morgen, Sharon Drew, Selling With Integrity. Berrett/Koehler, 1997.
—Presents a new paradigm for sales based on trusting, respectful collaboration where sellers no longer assume that they have all the answers.

Marketing for Small Businesses: An Overview. SBA Publications. P.O. Box 46521, Denver, CO 80201-46521. (800) 827-5722.
—Provides an overview of marketing concepts and contains an extensive bibliography of sources covering the subject.

Marketing Strategies for Growing Businesses. SBA Publications. P.O. Box 46521, Denver, CO 80201-46521. (800) 827-5722.
—Addresses the key aspects of successful marketing including putting the customer first, budgeting and media analysis.

Researching Your Market. SBA Publications. P.O. Box 46521, Denver, CO 80201-46521. (800) 827-5722.
—Provides inexpensive techniques that a business can apply to gather facts about its customer base and how to expand it.

Selling by Mail Order. SBA Publications. P.O. Box 46521, Denver, CO 80201-46521. (800) 827-5722.
—Provides basic information on running a successful mail-order business, including product selection, pricing, testing, and writing effective advertisements.

Timm, Paul R., 50 Powerful Ways to Win New Customers: Fast, Simple, Inexpensive, Profitable and Proven Ideas You Can Use Today. Career Press, 1997.
—Teaches how to establish a customer base, win back lost customers, and retain customers through satisfaction and appreciation.

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