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Sleep Deprivation


"Fitful Slumber: Sleep Apnea Can Do More Than Ruin a Good Night’s Sleep" by Jeanine Barone. Better Homes and Gardens, July 1997, p. 80.
—Provides information on diagnosing and treating sleep apnea.

"How to Sleep Better and Feel Better." Washingtonian, March 1997, p. 98.
—Describes how diet and daily routine (including lobsters, bananas, nicotine and alcohol) affect how well people sleep.

"The Perils of Drowsy Driving" by William C. Dement. The New England Journal of Medicine, September 11, 1997, p. 83.
—Shows how drowsy driving affects truck drivers and discusses the need for greater public awareness of sleep issues in general.

"Overcoming Insomnia." Consumer Reports, March 1997, p. 10.
—Presents results of recent research that show those who struggle with insomnia should avoid alcohol and caffeine before going to sleep, and exercise several hours before bedtime.

"Rest Assured: We Can Help You Sleep Better, Reduce Fatigue and Improve Performance" by Hal Higdon. Runner’s World, October 1997. p. 102.
—Discusses the connection between sleep, exercise and athletic performance.

"The Rest Of Your Life" by James Sturz. Men’s Health, July-August 1997, p. 74.
—Explains how insufficient sleep may affect the immune system, sexual function, blood pressure and growth. Also provides tips on recognizing sleep deficit.

"Snooze You Can Use; Next-Day Napping Can Clear the Cobwebs" by Susan Flagg Godbey, Yun Lee Wolfe and Steven George. Prevention, March 1997, p. 31.
—Discusses, based on research results, how and what kind of napping can help people recover from a poor night’s sleep.


Motgan, David, Sleep Secrets. Whole Person Associates, 1996.
—Offers practical advice for people with unusual schedules, including seven tips on how to improve quality of life by getting a good night’s sleep.

Coren, Stanley, Sleep Thieves. The Free Press, 1996.
—Explores the dangers of living in a society where workers consistently get insufficient sleep. Includes testimonials, theories and advice.

Zammit, Gary K., and Zanca, Jane A., Good Nights: How to Stop Sleep Deprivation, Overcome Insomnia, and Get the Sleep You Need. Andrews & McNeel, 1997.
—Provides an overview of common sleeping problems like snoring, insomnia and sleep apnea. Also gives practical advice on factors affecting sleep such as eating, stress and physical health.


American Sleep Disorders Association. 1610 14th Street NW, Suite 300, Rochester, MN 55901. http://www.asda.org.
—The ASDA offers a number of free booklets to help educate the public about sleep and sleep disorders. Titles include: Coping with Shift Work, Sleep and Depression and Sleep in Women.

Better Sleep Council. 333 Commerce Street, Alexandria, VA 22314. (703) 683-8371.
—Offers free pamphlets on how to get a good night’s sleep.

National Sleep Foundation. 729 15th Street NW, Fourth Floor, Washington, D.C. 20005. http://www.sleepfoundation.org.
—This nonprofit organization is dedicated to preventing catastrophic accidents caused by sleep deprivation, and enhancing the quality of life for Americans suffering from sleep disorders.

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Sleep Disorders