Internet Security
"Give Network Security the Business" by Laura B. Smith. PC Week, August 25, 1997, p. 91.
Describes the criteria for successful Internet security, a crucial issue for businesses that use the Internet heavily. Also provides a sample security list containing seven guidelines.
"Protection at the Desktop" by Scot Finnie, Larry Seltzer and Neil Randall. PC Magazine, September 9, 1997, p. 149.
Discusses security risks for PC users, not the least of which are more virulent viruses, and the vulnerabilities of Web servers on the Internet.
"RealSecure Defends Your Network from the Inside Out" by Stuart McClure. Info World, July 21, 1997, p.52A.
RealSecure is helpful in fending off internal threats or attacks made through holes in the firewall.
Anonymous, Maximum Security: A Hackers Guide to Protecting Your Internet Site and Network. Publishing, 1997.
No one knows how to get into your system better than a hacker and there is no one better able to tell you how to keep people out. Comes with a CD analysis kit.
Gonclaves, Marcus,, Internet Privacy Kit. Que Corporation, 1997.
Shows how to encrypt everyday activities, keep online transactions confidential and restore a hacked system. Includes CD-ROM encryption software and system restoration.
Pfaffenberger, Bryan, Protect Your Privacy on the Internet. Wiley Computer Publishing, 1997.
Provides basic tools to secure personal information on the Internet. Shows what passwords to use and not use, and how to encrypt sensitive files, clean up your browser trail and safely download software. Includes a CD-ROM.
HotWired Privacy Archive.
Contains links to articles about computer privacy, news and press releases.
The Privacy Pages.
Contains links to computer security-related topics from piracy and encryption to privacy invasions and hackers.
United States PGP Primary Distribution Site.
Download Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), a DOS program that is the standard for encrypted computer communications organizations.
Computer Professional for Social Responsibility. P.O. Box 717, Palo Alto, CA 94302. (415) 322-3778. Fax: (415) 322-3778.
This group of computer professionals is concerned with the impact of computers on the workplace and society.
Electronic Privacy Information Center. 666 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite # 301, Washington, D.C. 20003.
This public interest research center focuses on privacy protection on the Internet.
Internet Privacy Coalition.
Promotes privacy on the Internet by encouraging availability of encryption software. Sponsored by organizations such as the ACLU and the American Banking Association.
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