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Business Cycle Financing


"Are Strategic Plans More Trouble Than They’re Worth?" PC Week, March 24, 1997, p. 136.
—Offers advice on how managers can align their strategies with their business.

"Avoid Disaster: The Five Most Common Errors Made by Entrepreneurs" by Carole Gould. Success, June 1997, p. 18.
—Shows how entrepreneurs can avoid personal-finance problems while building their business.

"The Business Life Cycle" by Jack Bobo. National Underwriter Life & Health-Financial Services Edition, May 12, 1997, p. 23.
—Discusses business life cycle stages followed by an analysis of the insurance industry in relation to other financial services industries.

"Conducting Business Technology Planning." Managing Office Technology, July 1997, p. 10.
—Describes the three phases of business technology planning, and why its popularity is increasing.

"Fighting for Greater Independents" by Jonathan Bing. Writer’s Digest, September 1997, p. 30.
—Talks about a group of small independent publishers in New York City who have utilized cost controls in order to compete with big business.

"Managing Profitable Alliances in the Cosmetic Industry" by Larraine Segil. Drug & Cosmetic Industry, June 1997, p. 54.
—Offers general wisdom about corporate alliances, including a discussion of how a company’s life cycle factors into such alliances.

"Objectives and Strategies Are the Keys to Planning" by Wayne S. Chaneski. Modern Machine Shop, July 1997, p. 48.
—Describes two of the basic components of a business plan: objectives and strategy.


ABC’s of Borrowing. SBA Publications. P.O. Box 46521, Denver, CO 80201-46521. (800) 827-5722.
—Describes what to expect when small business owners attempt to borrow money for their operation.

Financing for Small Business. SBA Publications. P.O. Box 46521, Denver, CO 80201-46521. (800) 827-5722.
—Describes the ins and outs of locating sources for capital and lays out the process with step-by-step instructions.

Financial Management for Growing Businesses. SBA Publications. P.O. Box 46521, Denver, CO 80201-46521. (800) 827-5722.
—Shows how to develop a financial plan that will outline assets, debts and the profit potential of a business.

Heath, Gibson, Getting the Money You Need: Practical Solutions for Financing Your Small Business. Irwin Professional Publications, 1995.
—An ideal resource for both startups and established companies, this book covers both traditional and non-traditional means of financing a small business venture.

Herbst, Anthony F., Analyzing and Forecasting Future Prices: A Guide for Hedges, Speculators and Traders. Wiley, 1992.
—Describes the nature of forecasting and addresses specific tools that businesses can use to plan for the future.

Jacobs, Gary and MacFarlane, Robert, The Vital Corporation: How American Businesses Large and Small Double Profits in Two Years or Less. Prentice Hall, 1990.
—Provides tips on reenergizing and organizing a company, with case studies on several prominent companies that have seen profits double in two years.

Stolze, William J., Starting Up Financing: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Financing a New or Growing Business. Career Press, 1997.
—Shows how to find necessary capital to fund a new business or expand an existing one whether it is high tech, low tech or service oriented. Also describes alternative financing solutions other than banks.

Understanding Cash Flow. SBA Publications. P.O. Box 46521, Denver, CO 80201-46521. (800) 827-5722.
—Shows managers how to plan for the future financial requirements of a business.

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