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Small Business Success Magazine search helps you find articles relevant to your interests in our current and past issues.

Here's how it works:
You tell the search engine what you're looking for by typing in keywords, phrases, or questions in the search box. The search engine responds by giving you a list of all the article pages in our index relating to those topics.

A Quick Look at the Search Box:
How To Use:
1. Type your keyword(s) in the search box.
2. Press the "GO" button to start your search.

Here's an example:
1. Type 'energy savings' in the search box.
2. Press the "GO" button or press the Enter key.
3. The Results page will show you the pages on our site with information about energy savings.

Tip: Don't worry if you find a large number of results. In fact, use more than a couple of words when searching. Even though the number of results will be large, the most relevant content will always appear at the top of the result pages.

Simple Tips for More Exact Searches
Natural Language queries: (always try this first) Type a phrase or a question such as "Where can I find a schedule for payroll?"

Exact Phrases:
If you know an exact phrase, put the phrase in quotes. (for example: "payroll data")

When in doubt, use lowercase text in your searches.
When you use lowercase text, the search service finds both upper and lowercase results. When you use upper case text, the search service finds only upper case.

Example: When you search for california, you'll find California, california, and CALIFORNIA in your result pages. However, when you search for California, you'll only see California in the result pages. Including or excluding words:

To make sure that a specific word is always included in your search topic, place the plus (+) symbol before the key word in the search box. To make sure that a specific word is always excluded from your search topic, place a minus (-) sign before the keyword in the search box.

Example: To find articles for Welfare to Work without Work, try Welfare-Work.

Expand your search using wildcards (*): By typing an * at the end of a keyword, you can search for the word with multiple endings.

Example: Try big*, to find big, bigger, biggest, and bigwig.
Special Characters and Punctuation: Our Search defines a word as any string of letters and digits that is separated by either:

White space, such as spaces, tabs, line ends, or the start or end of a document, or Special characters and punctuation, such as %, $, /, #, and _.

Normally, however, we recommend using double quotes to indicate a phrase because some special characters have additional meaning such as (*) and the + and - characters (see above).
Search Success Magazines